Laodicea Mission Fellowship

About Us

Overall Strategy

What We Intend to

• Organize both structured and informal gatherings of business oriented youths
• Organize resource centers for fellowship and church connections
• Events on topics relevant to Christians in business and Interfaith Dialogue
• Create safe places for spiritual conversations and entrepreneurial growth
• Involve faculty and staff
• Safe place for spiritual conversations and entrepreneurial growth
• Promote a strong positive presence on campuses

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire the youths by teaching and mentoring them to be productive and successful in their chosen professions in ways of the ALMIGHTY GOD. We do this by promoting and building the Christian community across Nigeria while simultaneously preparing students to be effective Christian leaders in business

Who we are

• Non-denominational Christian based organization. • Open to all youths regardless of where they are in their faith journey. • Intentional in building relationships within youths across Nigeria and the world in general • A faith-based human capital development community.